: This project primarily consists of the following: @PS1: Demolition of the existing station and replacement with a new sewage pump station with three 200 HP submersible pumps, grinders, valve vault, electrical building, VFD’s, meter vault, bridge crane, telemetry and controls. Work also includes approximately 570 feet of new 30” gravity sewer replacement, crossing under Reems Creek, sewage bypassing, sitework, grading, and drainage improvements, grind/overlay a private access road and other miscellaneous work. @PS2: Rehabilitation of the existing wetwell, replacement of the pumps with two 40 HP submersible pumps, meter vault, sitework, grading and drainage and forcemain replacement. @Forcemain: approximately 3.10 miles of 24-inch HDPE forcemain will be installed cross country with an open cut creek crossing, Jack and Bore under NCDOT roads, and bypassing, removal and abandonment of existing forcemain, erosion control and minor sitework. Approximately 1800 feet of 6-inch HDPE forcemain will be included. Project cost range is anticipated between $21.5M and $23M.