Lake Tuscaloosa Intake Crib Improvements

Engineered by TTL, Inc. for City of Tuscaloosa

Approximate Construction Cost $964k | Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Projected Timeframe: Fall 2022

This project consists of the construction of the City of Tuscaloosa, Alabama’s Lake Tuscaloosa Dam Intake and Aerator Conduit Intake. Elements of the work include but are not limited to the demolition and removal of the existing primary intake timber crib and rock ballast structure, the demolition and removal of the existing leaf screen guide rails, the construction of a new intake crib foundation and new stainless steel crib at the primary structure intake, the construction of new stainless steel leaf screen guide rails, the demolition and removal of the existing aerator conduit intake crib, and the construction of a new galvanized steel intake crib at the aerator conduit intake.