Pageland WWTP Upgrade

Engineered by Davis & Floyd, Inc. for Town of Pageland, SC

Approximate Construction Cost $15.7 Million | Pageland, SC

Projected Timeframe: Spring 2022

Division I of this project consists of constructing a new 1.5 MGD Wastewater Treatment Facility at the Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant Site. The Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant work includes demolition, structures, equipment, site work, yard piping, electrical systems, and miscellaneous appurtenances for construction of a new influent bar screen structure, new influent pump station, new headworks fine screening structure, new sequential batch reactor treatment basins, conversion of the existing aeration basin to post equalization basin, new disinfection system, and chlorine contact chamber, new post aeration basin, new sludge holding tank, new sludge dewatering facility, new electrical building and new standby generator. Division II of this project consists of converting the existing Northwest Wastewater Treatment Plant to an equalization basin and transfer pump station. The Northwest Wastewater Treatment Plant work includes demolition, structures, equipment, site work, yard piping, electrical systems, and miscellaneous appurtenances for improvements to the existing influent bar screen structure, upgrading the existing influent pump station, converting the existing aeration basin to an equalization basin, a new transfer pump and installing a new standby generator.