Little Creek Wastewater Transmission Pump Station Improvements

Engineered by Withers Ravenal for Town of Clayton

Approximate Construction Cost $6.5 Million | Clayton, NC

Projected Timeframe: Fall 2023

The project primarily consists of the following: New CIP concrete WWPS utilizing submersible (Duty) & diesel-powered suction lift (emergency standby) pumps at the existing Little Creek WRF site. New WWPS construction includes One (1) mechanical & one (1) manual bar screen; two (2) feed odor control systems for the WWPS discharge force main; a fixed media odor control system for the air from the WWPS enclosure; electrical control building which houses pump controls, VFD motor starters, main distribution panels, & SCADA; bulk fuel tank storage/delivery system; and associated yard piping & appurtenances.